Strong roots
The Bundesdruckerei Group has a tradition of involvement in social and educational projects in our home region of Berlin-Brandenburg. Our employees are also committed to social issues.
Focus on projects in our neighbourhood
The Bundesdruckerei Group is particularly committed to providing lasting help to the weak in society, so that they can develop their talent and their identity. Since 2008, we have been supporting the Street University Berlin (SUB) in Berlin's Kreuzberg district. SUB offers young adults access to a comprehensive programme, ranging from courses in politics and history to IT and computer seminars and even theatre and dance. Our donations help to finance the excursion and education programme
Employees join in
However, donating money is not enough. That's why the employees of the companies of the Bundesdruckerei Group have also joined in. We have sponsored the Kids-Café in the Bolle youth centre which is run by Verein Straßenkinder e.V. On two to three afternoons in the year, we go there to do handicrafts with children and youths.
Endowed chairs in Berlin
Since the winter semester of 2014/2015, Bundesdruckerei has endowed the guest chair for identity management at Freie Universität Berlin. The chair went to Professor Marian Margraf who is particularly committed to the research subject of 'identity management and electronic identity'. With this guest chair, Bundesdruckerei is generating momentum for research and development in conjunction with the key technology for our future.
Back in 2010, Bundesdruckerei had already endowed a chair for secure identities at Berlin's university of excellence. The IT Security working group that belonged to the Institute for Informatics at that time has been supplemented by the new chair.
Bundesdruckerei is also endowing a junior chair at The Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF). The chair went to Professor Florian Tschorsch who is committed to the research subject of 'disturbed security infrastructures'. The ECDF is supported by the Einstein Foundation Berlin and aims to create an inter-university and interdisciplinary environment for digitalization. The new center will promote outstanding international science and research in Berlin.