Industry eHealth with Frame


Digitalization in the health sector

Digital technologies in the health sector have transformed the requirements for handling patient data. This data must now be made available to all stakeholders quickly and in a decentralized and secure form that complies with data protection requirements.

The telematics infrastructure enables patient data to be electronically processed, securely protected and transmitted while also supporting the necessary treatment processes.  To master these requirements, Bundesdruckerei Group offers practical eHealth solutions for hospitals, pharmacies, doctors and psychotherapists.   

Products for eHealth

Solutions for eHealth

Logo Bundesdruckerei GmbH Data trustee: An independent trust authority

Logo D-Trust GmbH Electronic Health Professional Card (eHPC)

Logo D-Trust GmbH SMC-B card for medical practices/institutions

More for eHealth

Logo D-Trust GmbH AusweisIDent Online: Secure identification on the Internet with your ID card

Logo D-Trust GmbH AusweisIDent On-Site: Read out ID card data rather than typing it from the card

Logo D-Trust GmbH Certificate Service Manager (CSM): Managing and requesting certificates

genua GmbH cyber-diode: high-security industrial monitoring

genua GmbH genubox: secure remote maintenance for plants and IT systems

genua GmbH genuscreen: highest protection for data transfers and networks

genua GmbH genuscreen 40G VPN: secure high-speed VPN gateway for data transfers

genua GmbH genugate: firewall system for highest requirements

genua GmbH genuwall: strong protection of production networks

genua GmbH cognitix Threat Defender: high-performance detection of attacks for reliable protection of IT and OT networks

Logo Bundesdruckerei GmbH Artificial intelligence and Data analytics

Logo D-Trust GmbH Personal and organization certificates

Logo Bundesdruckerei GmbH RESISCAN Service

Logo D-Trust GmbH TLS/SSL certificates for trusted websites

Logo Bundesdruckerei GmbH VISOCORE®: Secure document verification

genua GmbH genuconnect: secure connection to internal networks

Logo D-Trust GmbH Signature server: Using eIDAS Trust Services Centrally

Logo D-Trust GmbH D-Trust eID Service: Securely identifying customers digitally with the online ID card

Digital solutions for patients and staff in the health sector

eHealth offers a wealth of opportunities. But this can only be achieved when all stakeholders can benefit from these opportunities in a simple and secure manner. That’s why Bundesdruckerei Group develop solutions that are tailored to the different needs of medical practices, hospitals, pharmacies, psychotherapists and patients. 

More to eHealth


Logo D-Trust GmbH D-Trust eID Service: Securely identifying customers digitally with the online ID card