Secure Infrastructure with Frame

Secure infrastructures

Critical infrastructures (CRITIS), such as waterworks, hospitals or utilities, also work with digital systems. These facilities, which are essential for everyone, must be particularly well‑protected against cyberattacks. The requirements for secure IT infrastructure are particularly high for CRITIS companies.

Secure infrastructures are essential for digitalization

Operators of critical infrastructures are legally obliged to keep their IT systems up to date and to protect them as best as possible. The IT programs used must not only meet the highest security standards, user-friendliness, flexible integration into legacy systems and smooth operation are also essential. Software and certificate solutions must therefore follow a holistic approach. Hardware components, such as firewalls or security gateways, have a key role to play within IT infrastructure at private companies and public authorities. The digital transformation of the public administration and highly regulated industries calls for extensive measures that must be taken to ensure the confidentiality, authenticity, integrity and availability of IT infrastructures.

Solutions to secure critical infrastructure

The companies of the Bundesdruckerei Group offer tailored solutions for operators of critical infrastructures, the public sector and industry that meet high security requirements. This way, we are helping to secure IT infrastructures, official communication and digitized administrative processes against threats.

Logo Bundesdruckerei GmbH Self-Service-Terminal

Logo D-Trust GmbH Certificate Service Manager (CSM): Managing and requesting certificates

Logo D-Trust GmbH Device certificates for secure machine communication

Logo D-Trust GmbH Personal and organization certificates

Logo D-Trust GmbH TLS/SSL certificates for trusted websites

genua GmbH cyber-diode: high-security industrial monitoring

genua GmbH genubox: secure remote maintenance for plants and IT systems

genua GmbH genuscreen: highest protection for data transfers and networks

genua GmbH genugate: firewall system for highest requirements

genua GmbH genuwall: strong protection of production networks

genua GmbH cognitix Threat Defender: high-performance detection of attacks for reliable protection of IT and OT networks

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More about secure infrastrucutres

genua GmbH genubox: secure remote maintenance for plants and IT systems

genua GmbH ECOS SECURE BOOT STICK [SX]: work in compliance with the German VS-NfD

Logo D-Trust GmbH Personal and organization certificates

genua GmbH genuconnect: secure connection to internal networks

genua GmbH genuwall: strong protection of production networks

genua GmbH genuscreen: highest protection for data transfers and networks