Secure Identities with Frame

Secure identities

A person’s identity is something that is both unique and unmistakable. In the real world, physical characteristics and personal data in conjunction with a sovereign document, such as an ID card, provide proof of this. In the digital space, electronic data, which is made up of attributes, such as username and password, smart cards, tokens, digital certificates or biometric data, provide proof of a person or machine’s identity. Secure identities are the basis for communication on the Internet and in the real world.

Solutions for secure identities

Secure identities are part of the core expertise of the companies in the Bundesdruckerei Group. With services and technologies ‘Made in Germany’, the companies of the group are working to ensure that digital identities and sensitive data are protected. We will be happy to advise you on which solutions are the perfect fit for you.

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More about secure identites
