Compliance is the basis of trust
Compliance is an important foundation for the trust that business partners place in the Bundesdruckerei Group. In its determination to ensure that all rules and laws are observed, the Bundesdruckerei Group now has a Compliance Management System in place.
Compliance Management System
The Bundesdruckerei Group’s Compliance Management System comprises the totality of all measures and processes to ensure compliance within the Group. In addition to the fight against corruption and money laundering, the prevention of competition violations and violations of export controls, customs or tax regulations, the Compliance Management System also covers the protection of information, data and human rights. The Bundesdruckerei Group’s Compliance Management System is based on IDW PS 980 and is also certified for Bundesdruckerei GmbH in accordance with ISO 37001:2018-05 (anti-corruption management systems).
The fundamental principles and rules for the employees of the Group that govern our conduct are compiled in our Code of Conduct. This also means that we do not tolerate corruption or other illegal behaviour.
Employees receive regular training to familiarise them with the topic of compliance, laws and regulations as well as internal rules of conduct. Within the scope of the Compliance Management System, possible risks can be quickly identified and preventive measures introduced. This also includes suitable organisational structures and processes as well as checks and controls.
The Bundesdruckerei Group is clearly committed responsible and lawful conduct. We also expect this from our business partners, to whom we provide our Code of Conduct for Business Partners.
The Bundesdruckerei Group is happy to assist employees, customers, suppliers and other external parties with compliance-related issues. Please contact us by e‑mail at compliance@bdr.de.
Human Rights compliance
As a company with high standards of compliance, diligence and integrity, it is particularly important to us to appropriately address human rights and environmental risks in our business areas and in our supply chain. The UN Human Rights Convention, the recommendations of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the principles of the UN Global Compact, which we joined at the end of 2021, are decisive for us. We take the fulfillment of the relevant corporate due diligence obligations very seriously. We describe this in our Declaration of Corporate Human Rights Strategy in more detail.
Export compliance
The Bundesdruckerei Group also adheres strictly to the provisions of export control law. The export control department ensures that exports of goods, software and technology as well as cross-border services comply with all EU and German regulations as well as applicable foreign export control laws. The export control department checks whether all national restrictions and restrictions related to persons, goods and use are complied with, such as prohibitions in the form of embargoes and sanctions lists or licensing requirements. In addition, employees receive regular training on the topic of export control in order to create awareness of this important issue.
Customs compliance
The legally compliant and efficient implementation of customs regulations is part of Bundesdruckerei’s Compliance Management System, as is the systematic creation and maintenance of suitable, necessary and appropriate customs structures. This ensures that goods are correctly classified in the tariff schedule, customs values are correctly determined and tariff preferences are used. In addition, the customs department helps to ensure that employees comply with customs law through guidelines and work instructions and advises employees on all matters related to customs and foreign trade law.
Since 2019, the Bundesdruckerei Group has been an Authorised Economic Operator (AEO). This authorisation by the German customs administration certifies Bundesdruckerei’s special reliability and trustworthiness in the processing of international business transactions.
Tax compliance
Tax compliance plays a central role in the Bundesdruckerei Group’s Compliance Management System. Tax compliance ensures compliance with tax law.
The Bundesdruckerei Group ensures that the employees responsible for tax compliance are familiar with the tax laws and that they observe internal regulations and process descriptions relating to tax law issues. The latter are available to every employee of the Bundesdruckerei Group and are continuously updated. Regular and, where appropriate, ad-hoc training is provided on significant changes in legislation to ensure that employees comply with tax regulations.
As part of its Tax Compliance Management System (Tax CMS), the Bundesdruckerei Group has implemented processes and controls to detect and prevent violations in order to ward off any damage to the company’s financial situation and reputation. The adequacy and effectiveness of the Tax CMS is regularly reviewed by independent external auditing firms.
Tips and Compliants
Information on vulnerabilities or other circumstances that lead to violations of the law, as well as complaints about possible human rights or environmental violations, as far as they affect our company or our supply chain, can be reported to compliance@bdr.de or can be submitted, also anonymously via our electronic whistleblowing system. The Bundesdruckerei Group assures whistleblowers that it will not take any steps to identify the whistleblower submitting an anonymous report. The foregoing does not apply in the case of misuse. Denunciations of any kind will not be tolerated. For further information on how reports and complaints are processed please refer to our rules of procedure (german version and polish version).