Gesellschaft - Menschen auf der Straße


As a public company, Bundesdruckerei believes that it has a special commitment to the interests of the state, citizens and society. That's why the company pursues a holistic approach in order to create a balance between economic, ecological and social interests.

Bundesdruckerei is a government-owned company that operates according to private-sector principles. The company's business model is designed for the long term and is based on the principle of sustainable and far-sighted business management. Bundesdruckerei implements the highest security and quality standards whilst adhering to clearly defined compliance and management guidelines. In doing so, it also considers the interests of its employees and environmental protection. In its home region of Berlin-Brandenburg, the company is additionally involved in social projects.

Find out more about our commitment and our guidelines

The Bundesdruckerei Group preserves the environment and creates a healthy and safe work environment. Find out more about the Bundesdruckerei Group’s integrated environmental management system.

Political and committee work

As an expert for secure identities and secure data, Bundesdruckerei Group supports players in the political arena with its know-how.

The Bundesdruckerei Group is involved in various regional, national and international committees.