Secure Data with Frame

Secure data

Data is an asset that must be protected. Thanks to digitalization, more and more services need to process sensitive data. While this can improve many areas of life, such as medicine, mobility and justice, it also brings with it challenges, i.e., how to protect the identities of the data providers and secure their data.

The importance of data sovereignty

In 2021, the Federal Government adopted a data strategy for Germany, creating an innovative basis for the provision and use of secure data. In the digital age, the world of business, academia, administration and society should have secure access to data, data misuse should be counteracted and data monopolies prevented. The challenges when it comes to protecting and securing data are huge. But the question of data sovereignty is also crucial. Citizens, companies and institutions must retain full control over their data and be able to make self-determined decisions about how their data is to be used.

Solutions for secure data

The companies of the Bundesdruckerei Group are committed to secure data rooms in Germany and Europe. After all, secure digital identities, signatures or certificates need secure and responsible data infrastructure. We are supporting this project with various solutions: The companies of the Bundesdruckerei Group develop innovative solutions that secure and evaluate sensitive data in the fields of data analysis and data sovereignty.

Logo Bundesdruckerei GmbH Data trustee: An independent trust authority

Logo Bundesdruckerei GmbH Artificial intelligence and Data analytics

Logo Bundesdruckerei GmbH RESISCAN Service

Logo Bundesdruckerei GmbH Self-Service-Terminal

Logo D-Trust GmbH Certificate Service Manager (CSM): Managing and requesting certificates

Logo D-Trust GmbH Device certificates for secure machine communication

Logo D-Trust GmbH Personal and organization certificates

Logo D-Trust GmbH PSD2: Authentication at the interface with the bank

Logo D-Trust GmbH TIM Card for taxi companies: Tamper protection for taximeters

Logo D-Trust GmbH TLS/SSL certificates for trusted websites

Logo D-Trust GmbH Fiscalization for cash register systems

genua GmbH cyber-diode: high-security industrial monitoring

genua GmbH genubox: secure remote maintenance for plants and IT systems

genua GmbH genuscreen: highest protection for data transfers and networks

genua GmbH genugate: firewall system for highest requirements

genua GmbH genuwall: strong protection of production networks

genua GmbH cognitix Threat Defender: high-performance detection of attacks for reliable protection of IT and OT networks

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More about secure data

Logo Bundesdruckerei GmbH RESISCAN Service

Logo D-Trust GmbH Device certificates for secure machine communication

genua GmbH genugate: firewall system for highest requirements

genua GmbH genuscreen 40G VPN: secure high-speed VPN gateway for data transfers

genua GmbH ECOS SECURE BOOT STICK [SX]: work in compliance with the German VS-NfD