man with glasses sits thoughtfully in office

IT security solutions to protect confidential information

Companies obliged to secrecy along with government organizations that have to meet the security requirements of RESTRICTED (VS-NfD) classification according to Germany’s Security Clearance Act (SÜG, Sicherheitsüberprüfungsgesetz) are required to employ suitable IT security solutions. Every ministry, public authority and company needs specific products and solutions to meet the respective security level of their organization and the individual working conditions of each employee. The Bundesdruckerei Group supplies modular products that can be combined for precisely this purpose.

Solutions to protect sensitive data

All of the VS-NfD-compliant solutions from the group companies have been approved by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). The solutions are developed on the basis of certified quality management processes, offering the highest quality standards for products, services and processes. With our solutions ‘Made in Germany’, it is also possible to process data while on the move or working from home right up to VS-NfD classification.


genua GmbH cyber-diode: high-security industrial monitoring

genua GmbH genubox: secure remote maintenance for plants and IT systems

genua GmbH genugate: firewall system for highest requirements

genua GmbH genuwall: strong protection of production networks

genua GmbH cognitix Threat Defender: high-performance detection of attacks for reliable protection of IT and OT networks

genua GmbH genuconnect: secure connection to internal networks

Logo Bundesdruckerei GmbH Data trustee: An independent trust authority

Logo Bundesdruckerei GmbH Artificial intelligence and Data analytics

Logo Bundesdruckerei GmbH Self-Service-Terminal

Logo D-Trust GmbH Certificate Service Manager (CSM): Managing and requesting certificates

Logo D-Trust GmbH Electronic seals: The digital stamp for companies and public authorities

Logo D-Trust GmbH Device certificates for secure machine communication

Logo D-Trust GmbH Personal and organization certificates

Logo D-Trust GmbH sign me: The electronic signature for digital documents

Logo D-Trust GmbH Signature cards

Logo D-Trust GmbH TLS/SSL certificates for trusted websites

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