Mann Meeting Unterhaltung Gespräch

Digital administration for statutory health insurance companies

IT security is a necessary prerequisite for digital administration in the healthcare sector and essential when it comes to winning the trust of those insured. The telematics infrastructure (TI) is the cornerstone for connecting public or private health insurance companies with all stakeholders in the healthcare sector. Electronic access to data and digital communications facilitate the day-to-day work of medical specialists, statutory health insurance companies and pharmacies. However, this calls for compliance with mandatory data protection and IT security requirements while the identities of those insured must be confirmed without a trace of doubt. Bundesdruckerei and its subsidiary D TRUST offer health insurance companies legally recognized solutions that accelerate today’s processes, making them more efficient.

IT security in communications with insured persons and service providers in the healthcare sector

In order to generate maximum added value for insured citizens, they should be systematically integrated into digital processes. This makes communications simpler and more efficient, but it also requires sensitive handling of the data of insured citizens. Compliance with comprehensive data protection guidelines (GDPR) and other legal requirements is essential for optimum protection of this data. The necessary security precautions include a clear distribution of roles and access rights among employees as well as the best-possible encryption and storage of employee data. The use of digital eHealth solutions from Bundesdruckerei and secure hosting will enable you to introduce digital processes at your health insurance company in line with legal requirements.

Logo D-Trust GmbH AusweisIDent Online: Secure identification on the Internet with your ID card

Logo D-Trust GmbH AusweisIDent On-Site: Read out ID card data rather than typing it from the card

Logo Bundesdruckerei GmbH Artificial intelligence and Data analytics

Logo D-Trust GmbH Electronic seals: The digital stamp for companies and public authorities

Logo D-Trust GmbH Personal and organization certificates

Logo D-Trust GmbH Signature cards

Logo D-Trust GmbH SMC-B card for medical practices/institutions

Logo D-Trust GmbH TLS/SSL certificates for trusted websites

Logo D-Trust GmbH Certificate Service Manager (CSM): Managing and requesting certificates

Logo Bundesdruckerei GmbH Data trustee: An independent trust authority

Logo Bundesdruckerei GmbH Artificial intelligence and Data analytics

Logo Bundesdruckerei GmbH RESISCAN Service

Logo Bundesdruckerei GmbH VISOCORE®: Secure document verification

genua GmbH cyber-diode: high-security industrial monitoring

genua GmbH genubox: secure remote maintenance for plants and IT systems

genua GmbH genuscreen: highest protection for data transfers and networks

genua GmbH genuscreen 40G VPN: secure high-speed VPN gateway for data transfers

genua GmbH genugate: firewall system for highest requirements

genua GmbH cognitix Threat Defender: high-performance detection of attacks for reliable protection of IT and OT networks

genua GmbH genuconnect: secure connection to internal networks

Logo D-Trust GmbH D-Trust eID Service: Securely identifying customers digitally with the online ID card

Logo D-Trust GmbH sign-me eHealth: the digital signature in the healthcare sector

Logo D-Trust GmbH SM-B Institution Certificates: Virtual proof of identity for institutions

Digital signatures with sign-me eHealth

Data protection, IT security and mountains of paper are a never-ending topic of discussion in the administration, not to mention the topic of the TI. With sign-me eHealth, you can already benefit from the remotely triggered qualified signature today. The eIDAS-compliant signature platform hosted by D‑TRUST enables legally binding electronic signatures for all online transactions – without the need for any additional hardware or software.

Logo D-Trust GmbH sign-me eHealth: the digital signature in the healthcare sector

Products from the Bundesdruckerei Group for digital administration in the healthcare system

When digital services are used to optimize workflows in the exchange between statutory health insurance companies, doctors, insured citizens and healthcare institutions, efficient and secure solutions are needed that meet with data protection requirements. Bundesdruckerei and D‑TRUST offer practical and user-friendly products for this purpose. Our experts will be happy to work with you to develop custom-fit systems that harmonize your specific needs and legal requirements.

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