Technologies for the era of quantum computers
A few years ago, they were considered miracle machines, now we are getting closer to using them – quantum computers promise exponential performance gains over conventional computers. Bundesdruckerei is exploring the potential of this new generation of computers and developing procedures to protect existing systems from their computing power.
Calculating between zero and one
The discussion is still restricted to specialist circles, but soon quantum computers are likely to have practical relevance. The computer generation of tomorrow makes use of the laws of quantum mechanics, leaving binary systems behind. While in a classical computer every bit takes on either the value zero or one, quantum computing has a whole range of other states thanks to the principle of superposition. The behaviour of particles that underlies quantum technologies may push the boundaries of what is intuitively conceivable, but this does have implications of great consequence. That’s because the way quantum computers work enables numerous simultaneous computing processes, so that previously unsolvable tasks can be completed in the shortest possible time.
Quantum advantages and security risks
The power of quantum computing offers enormous opportunities for solving a wide range of complex problems, ranging from personnel scheduling and energy network optimization to material simulation. At the same time, quantum computing poses risks for existing security procedures: Quantum-based computing power poses risks for established encryptions which until now have been practically impossible to crack. Where even a – conventionally working – supercomputer would need hundreds of thousands of years to simply ‘try out’ encryptions, a quantum computer could crack them in no time at all. Classical security systems must be prepared for this.
Funding projects
The companies of the Bundesdruckerei Group are working together with partners from science and industry on a wide variety of innovative projects for the development of a secure new generation of computers. We present selected sponsored projects in which we are involved:
Platform and ecosystem for quantum-assisted artificial intelligence
Quantum computers are still rare. Since how they work is fundamentally different from traditional computers and requires a high degree of specialisation, their use is currently reserved for a small number of experts. The platform developed in the PlanQK research project gathers expertise and makes it easier for users to access quantum-based AI applications. In dong so, the platform offers these users specialist support, providing them with specific algorithms and applications. Users are granted access to quantum computing capacities as well. This is also intended to allow SMEs that are unable to build up their own expertise in quantum computers and artificial intelligence to benefit from the new technologies. The PlanQK research project successfully demonstrates what the quantum value chain of tomorrow will look like.
Security Module for Quantum Computers
For Bundesdruckerei’s use case, “Security Building Blocks for Digital Ecosystems”, various aspects of a complex security system were analysed in relation to the development of quantum technologies and computers. This includes evaluating the threat potential of quantum computers for cryptographic applications, developing new security mechanisms, detecting attacks and optimising data systems.
For example, Bundesdruckerei researched how data can be optimally tailored to the functioning of AI and quantum computers through optimal structuring and processing.
The project, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK), was part of the innovation competition “Artificial Intelligence as a Driver for Economically Relevant Ecosystems”.
Term: 1/1/2020–31/12/2023
Under the coordination of Anaqor AG, Bundesdruckerei GmbH worked with the following partners:
- Accenture Dienstleistungen GmbH
- d-fine GmbH
- DB Systel GmbH
- DB Systemtechnik GmbH
- FCE Frankfurt Consulting Engineers GmbH
- Fraunhofer FOKUS Data Analytics Center
- Freie Universität Berlin – Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems
- HQS Quantum Simulations GmbH
- Komm.ONE AöR
- Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich – Quantum Applications and Research Laboratory
- Planerio GmbH
- regio iT gesellschaft für informationstechnologie GmbH • Smart Reporting GmbH
- Telekom Innovation Laboratories (T-Labs)
- TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG
- University of Stuttgart – Institute for Architecture of Application Systems (Scientific Management)
- University of Stuttgart – Institute for Functional Matter and Quantum Technologies
During the four-year research period, more than 30 use cases for quantum computing from a wide range of economic sectors were investigated. In particular, these include the following:
- Detection of anomalies in network communication
- Detection of anomalies and fraud in financial transactions
- Commercial Register AI
- Modelling of energy systems – supply quality optimisation, scheduling and duty plan optimisation
- Route optimisation
- Predicting material and process properties
Post-quantum cryptography for sovereign documents
Post-quantum cryptography is relevant to almost all areas of life – from ID cards and e-mail communication to online banking, access systems and telemedicine. After all, the majority of conventional computer systems will still remain in operation when the first quantum computers have arrived in everyday life and are able to be used for potentially powerful attacks.
From the Crypto Module to the Complete System
Cryptographic processes have a long lead time. That is why researchers at Bundesdruckerei GmbH have been working on quantum-resistant encryption methods for a number of years now. In the PQCrypto project launched in 2015, several encryption modules able to demonstrate their robustness against quantum-based attacks have been developed together with renowned European universities and industrial partners.
Quantum computer-resistant cryptography for ID systems
In the PoQuID project, the innovators at Bundesdruckerei GmbH have built on the basic work of PQCrypto. It involved the testing of security methods compatible with established structures that make use of quantum-resistant cryptography. Bundesdruckerei has developed a prototype for the world’s first electronic passport that meets the increased security requirements of the quantum computing era. It reveals a solution for contactless data communication between ePassports and border control terminals, thus helping to protect the biometric data stored on ePassports. At the core of the prototype is an Infineon security controller, which protects the data against conventional attacks as well as against attacks using quantum computers. The prototype is based on a quantum-resistant version of the Extended Access Control (EAC) protocol, meaning it protects biometric data during authentication.
The project order also included participation in relevant standardisation committees such as DIN, ISO and ICAO.
The PoQuID project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) as part of the “WIPANO – Knowledge and Technology Transfer through Patents and Standards” programme.
Term: 01/01/2020–30/06/2022
- Analysis, selection and development of post-quantum crypto methods with a practical use
- Implementation on smart cards
- Use in a sovereign context (machine-readable travel documents, eID)
- Incorporation of the results into national and international standardisation
- Significant performance improvement, such as for chip cards, IoT, mobile devices
- Bundesdruckerei GmbH
- Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security AISEC
- Infineon Technologies AG
Quantum-Resistant Public Key Infrastructures
From emails to digital signatures, to cryptocurrencies – modern life revolves around digital data. For several decades, private information has been protected in digital spaces by means of asymmetrical cryptographic methods. As impressive as the performance of the new quantum computers is, they also present a new type of threat for the encryption and signature methods of existing systems and the IT infrastructure behind them.
In the “Full-Lifecycle Post-Quantum PKI” (FLOQI) project, D-Trust GmbH worked together with various partners to develop a new kind of public key infrastructure (PKI) which is resistant to attacks from quantum computers. To this end, D-Trust provided a PKI mock-up that allowed the PKIs developed in the project and in sister projects of the same framework programme to be operated and certificates provided for partners.
The solutions designed this way have been implemented and tested on various platforms from the automotive industry, finance and Industry 4.0. In order to make the transition from current to post-quantum crypto methods as seamless as possible, the project is researching and testing the parallel use and agile change of current and newly developed quantum computer-resistant methods within a PKI.
In the exchange with sister projects in the same framework programme, it was possible to further develop and test concepts for combined innovative keys (ICAs) in the demonstrators together with concepts such as “Mixed PKI”. The most important discovery from the various studies is that it is absolutely essential for future PKI architectures to take agility into account for all levels.
The concepts developed are already being incorporated into standardisation work – e.g., at DIN, ISO or IETF – for future standards.
The project receives funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the Federal Government's research programme on IT security, “Self-determined and secure in the digital world 2015 to 2020”.
Term: 01/12/2019–30/11/2023
In this project, D-Trust took on the following research focuses and work packages:
- Specification of Intelligent Composed Algorithms (ICAs) as the basis for agile PKIs and hybrid certificate structures / PKIs
- Investigation of the possible algorithm combinations in PKIs
- Operational and migration concepts for agile, quantum-resistant PKIs
- Development and provision of all PKIs for the demonstrators
Under the coordination of Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH, D-Trust is working on this project with the following partners:
- TU Berlin, Lehrstuhl SecT
- Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security (AISEC)
- Robert Bosch GmbH
- BMW Group
- NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH
Incorporating Quantum Potential
Quantum computing can open up a great many applications. There is no area that could not benefit from quantum technologies or computing – even public administration. Many problems that cannot be solved with today’s computing systems – or only to a limited extent – can be solved by utilising quantum effects. The successful use of quantum technologies, especially in socially relevant applications, requires a clear vision and a proactive approach to the results of basic research.
Quantum Technologies for the German Federal Administration
In the Qu-Gov – Quantum Technologies for the German Federal Administration – project launched in 2021, quantum technologies are being researched and tested with regard to use cases in the sovereign-regulatory environment. The project has a major research and development character. Proofs of concept and proofs of value for use cases from the sovereign-regulatory environment are being developed and evaluated on an open platform. Quantum technologies for the Federal Administration will thus be evaluated, researched and the first use cases tested by the end of 2024.
Bundesdruckerei GmbH is responsible for the overall coordination and management of the research projects required for expanding quantum technologies in the federal environment. The project is based on a broad network of partners from science, industry, start-ups and administration.
The Qu-Gov – Quantum Technologies for the German Federal Administration – project is commissioned directly by the Federal Ministry of Finance.
Term: 1/12/2021–31/12/2024
In the Qu-Gov project, quantum technologies for the Federal Administration will be evaluated, researched and the first use cases tested. The following are the main issues here:
- quantum information and quantum security,
- quantum analysis and
- quantum-related (data) sovereignty.
Under the coordination of Bundesdruckerei GmbH, we are working with the following partners:
- University of Ulm
- DLR Ulm
- Fraunhofer Institute AISEC (Berlin, Singapore)
- Quantum Lab (T-Labs)
- Q.ANT GmbH
- University of Mainz, neQxt GmbH
- Multiverse Computing
- Quantinuum
- Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH
- DB-Systel GmbH (Federal Quantum Alliance)
- MS Azure Quantum
- DESY Zeuthen
- Quantum Optics Jena GmbH
Enabling the German Federal Administration to use quantum technology with confidence
Motivated by the development progress and a growing political focus on quantum technologies, such as the EU Quantum Pact of 2023 and the German government’s Quantum Technologies Action Plan, the participants in the Federal Quantum Alliance have set themselves the task of preparing the German Federal Administration for the quantum age.
The focus here is on building up and sharing the experience of federally owned companies in quantum technologies. They form a knowledge platform on which quantum experts can exchange ideas and jointly build up the necessary expertise for the quantum age. Experience from related projects and networks, such as the PlanQK funding project or the Qu-Gov project, is incorporated as well. The partners carry out joint research projects and test quantum technologies to determine their suitability for industry in order to gain the necessary experience at an early stage for dealing with quantum solutions, such as a testbed for trying out various quantum-safe algorithms.
In this way, the Federal Quantum Alliance forms another important building block for the quantum ecosystem in Germany.
Start: 4/2/2022
Bundesdruckerei GmbH is working with other federally owned companies in the Federal Quantum Alliance:
- DB Systel GmbH (lead partner)
- German Pension Insurance (DRV) Association
- German Federal Employment Agency (BA)