
Jobs in Sales & Consulting: ready for the digital future, thanks to a great network

The Sales & Consulting team makes sure that the Bundesdruckerei Group’s products reach our customers. Their job is to advise our clients in Key Account Management and, as Product Managers, contribute their perspective to the (further) development of our solutions. Our Business Developers are responsible for opening up new areas of business to allow more and more people to benefit from the Bundesdruckerei Group’s innovations.

Five good reasons

There are many good reasons for working in our Sales & Consulting. Here are a few examples.  


Piktogramm Digitalisierung
1. Meaningful and future-oriented work

The digital transformation is changing Germany. We make sure that everyone will be able to benefit from digitilisation, such as through secure digital identities. Our work is more than just a job. It is a social responsibility.

Piktogramm Team Spirit
2. Team spirit

As an interface within the company, the Corporate Services departments work closely together. In doing so, we always rely on collaborative and fair teamwork – including when interacting with other areas of the company.  

Pictogram for degree
3. Development and further raining options

Anyone who wants to advance progress and innovation has to constantly evolve themself. We offer our colleagues a selection of different training and development options to suit them. 

Piktogramm Arbeitsplatz
4. A future-proof and secure workplace

As a German federal technology company with a history going back more than 250 years, the Bundesdruckerei Group is regarded as a stable and future-proof company. We are crisis-tested and have adapted our products to meet the current needs of the times. Our innovations are making a decisive contribution to digitilisation.  

Piktogramm Work Life Balance
5. Healthy balance

We are convinced that having enough time for your private life also promotes successful work. The work-life balance of our employees is therefore of particular importance to us. 

Top working conditions 

Modern working environment with security and flexibility  

Pictogram of a workplace

Crisis-proof jobs 

We combine tradition with cutting-edge methods in our work. Around 250 years of history show: jobs at the Bundesdruckerei Group offer security – even in times of crisis. This creates a positive working environment; one in which our employees can focus on what is really important.

Pictogram: Work-Life balance

Balance and creative freedom through flexible and hybrid working

A healthy balance between work and personal life is a matter of course for us. Having some space promotes not only well-being, but also creative solutions. That is why we offer our employees flexible working hours and models that adapt to the realities of their lives. Hybrid working is a reality we fully embrace.

Pictogram for degree

Ample room for further development

As a federal technology company, we are committed to constant further development. This is something we also promote among our employees. With us, no one has to stay in the same role forever. Further and advanced training is therefore standard practice for us. 

Foto eines Gebäudes vom Bericht Zukunftsressource Archiv
Ansicht einer digitalen Karte von Deutschland.
Eine Frau hält ihr Smartphone in den Händen
Personengruppe Projekt PLAIN

Projects with added social value

The success of our Sales & Consulting teams is reflected in more than just our business results. Our solutions are advancing the digitisation of particularly sensitive areas of administration and business every day. There are many examples of the added value of our work. Here is a small selection.

More and more administrative services are becoming available on the Federal Portal – a joint project between the German Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community and Bundesdruckerei GmbH. This means that citizens will soon be able to take care of their administrative procedures digitally. Thanks to eID-based identification procedures and the qualified trust services of D-Trust GmbH, the process is as reliable as in the “real” world.

With the help of the Bundesdruckerei Group, public administration is also taking part in the digital transformation. On behalf of the Federal Foreign Office, Bundesdruckerei GmbH has set up PLAIN – a platform on which the entire federal administration can analyse large volumes of data using AI. PLAIN supports ministries in making predictions and puts decisions on an even better footing.

D-Trust GmbH ensures that the German healthcare system is able to network via the Telematics Infrastructure. With data trustee services, Bundesdruckerei GmbH provides research institutions with secure access to valuable medical data. 

Testimonials from our teams

Lea Recker
Lea Recker
Senior Consultant

You work in Sales & Consulting at D-Trust, the trust services provider of the Bundesdruckerei Group. What are your responsibilities as a senior consultant?

I look after various clients in the health market who handle the telematics infrastructure. As a solution consultant, I assist them and am often the first point of contact for adaptation and optimisation requests. I see myself as a conduit: I take on board our customers' ideas and discuss them with the technical experts in our company. It is precisely this mediation and the close cooperation with our contact partners that I enjoy.

What makes working at D-Trust special for you?

D-Trust operates in many exciting fields. Telematics infrastructure is just one of them. The idea of making everyday life easier for patients through telematics infrastructure is motivating and very appealing to me. It's great to see how this field is growing. It gives me a good sense of working in a field with great potential for the future. Coupled with the company’s good reputation and expertise, I benefit from a combination that makes my work particularly exciting.

How would you describe the atmosphere in your team?

We bring together old and new colleagues and thereby long-standing know-how and new ideas and perspectives. This is fantastic. Despite all the challenges we face, our team spirit does not fall by the wayside – not even in the digital, mobile world of work. We listen to each other every day, help each other where we can and share our knowledge, because we want to reach our goal together. Togetherness really comes first for us.

Our employees in Business Development identify new business areas, carry out market and trend analyses and advise (potential) customers. 

Our colleagues in Key Account Management are the central point of contact for our clients. Using communication skills and strategic thinking, they build relationships with customers and develop customised solutions. 

Our Product Managers are not only in constant dialogue with the Sales and Development departments, they also maintain close contact with customers in order to improve solutions in their favour.

Foto mit Mitarbeitenden der Bundesdruckerei-Gruppe, die an einem Besprechungstisch sitzen und eine Weiterbildung bekommen
Foto von Jana Mahr SAP-Consultant
Holger Pannhorst
Sarah Hümmer Softwaretester
Annika Jähmlich Scrum Master
Working in just the right environment

Sales & Consulting is geared to team players, who will find ideal conditions at the Bundesdruckerei Group. We value respectful teamwork. No matter which positions and specialisations come together in our cross-functional teams: we want to learn from and inspire one another. We leave plenty of room for individual needs and lifestyles so that everyone can make the most of their strengths. 

Grafische Darstellung des kununu Scores von 4,2 Punkten bei 1.410 Bewertungen mit Stand vom 01.03.2024
Grafische Darstellung der kununu-Bewertungen zur Work-Life-Balance von 4,1 Punkten mit Stand vom 01.03.2024
Grafische Darstellung der Weiterempfehlungen auf kununu von 92 Prozent über die letzten 2 Jahre mit Stand vom 01.03.2024
Grafische Darstellung der kununu-Bewertung der Zufriedenheit mit dem Gehalt. 70 Prozent sind zufrieden mit ihrem Gehalt

Not just making big promises, but truly understanding customer needs.

Find your new job in Sales & Consulting at the Bundesdruckerei Group – now!

Do you have any questions about career options in the Sales & Consulting area?

Then simply give our applicant hotline a call

+49 (0)30 2598-2350